Torrance Council of PTAs 2022-23 REFLECTIONS
Award of Excellence Winners

High School- Adrienne Gonzalez (Torrance High):
Be Seen As I Am Through Dance
Middle School- Nicholas Jerez (Jefferson): The Way I Am
Intermediate- Stella Woods (Anza): My Voice is Who I Am
Primary- Rishani Jogu (Seaside): Raise Your Voice Be Kind

Film Production
High School- Eliana Cheng (West High): Go On
Middle School- Erin Dai (Jefferson): Complexity of Covid-19
Intermediate- Emma Guzman Salvatierra (Lincoln): Think Globally, Act Locally
Primary- Mia Smith (Edison): Dancing Makes You Happy

High School- Angelina Hie (North High): The Absence of Silence
Middle School- Kalei Plazo (Casimir): The Typewriter
Intermediate- Riaan Gupta (Towers): Anyone and Everyone Can Show
Their Voice and Make a Difference
Primary- Emi Dysim (Arnold): Showing Your Voice

Music Composition
High School- Leah Ho (West High): You
Middle School- Deanna Ho (Bert Lynn): Rain
Intermediate- Kaitlyn Chen (Seaside): Finding My Voice
Primary- Hannah Park (Walteria): Show Your Voice

Special Artist- Kotaro Fujita (South High): Show My Voice
High School- Emi Kobayashi (West High): A Prayer For Life
Middle School- Aidan Mack (Magruder): For All Generations to Come
Intermediate- Elsa Schmunk (Anza): Standing Up to Ocean Pollution
Primary- Krishnamurthi Sree Ram (Victor): Show Your Voice Against
Child Hunger

Visual Arts
Special Artist- Matthew Bang (West High): I Want to See Us Together
High School- Haley Park (Torrance High): Voices on Canvas
Middle School- Annabel Yoon (Richardson): Voices Matter
Intermediate- Jaehan Park (Hickory): No Bully
Primary- Manya Patel (Towers): My Rooted Voice
Torrance Council of PTAs Reflections Awards Presentation 2023