TCPTA Board mentor should:
Reach out to the unit president via email to establish what the best line of communication is and to encourage an open line of communication.
Maintain communication with the unit president.
Research the unit’s by-laws, determine the dates of all future board and association meetings and confirm the time and location of the meetings.
Attend meetings to assist the unit as needed and provide support.
Unit President should:
Introduce the TCPTA mentor at the board meeting.
Let the board know the mentor is there to support the unit.
Add the mentor to the email list and keep mentor informed.
Establish a relationship with the mentor and know they are a valuable resource for the unit.
If you have questions or need further info about the Mentor Program, please email:
*High school units are not assigned an individual mentor but have the support of the TCPTA Board of Directors and can direct questions/concerns to Mentors@TorranceCouncilofPTAs.org.
Mentor Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is a mentor?
Torrance Council of PTAs is your leadership support team and our role is to provide help, answers, training, and guidance during your time as a PTA president.
The Torrance Council Board of Directors and standing chairs volunteer to support units and unit presidents for the entire school year.
Mentors support units by attending your board meetings, providing feedback, answering questions, and sharing resources.
A mentor/mentee relationship can be as expansive as you'd like. Some mentors connect with their mentees several times a year virtually or in person. Other mentors and mentees are in regular contact with the mentee attending all board meetings and functions (as time permits).
Mentors are given a guest seat at your meetings and can support you if any questions arise around the PTA process or input is requested.
Mentors may also contact monthly with friendly reminders from Council about outstanding items. Again, the goal is to be supportive. You have a LOT going on, and your mentor's goal is to help you be successful.