Financial Team Resources
Key Role – Treasurer
Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions
Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association
Pays all PTA bills as authorized by board or association
Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report
Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due dates
Job Description (from Toolkit)
Key Role – Financial Secretary
Works closely with the treasurer and other financial officers in handling PTA funds
Keeps a record of all PTA funds collected, deposited and disbursed
Prepares monthly and annual financial reports
Job Description (from Toolkit)
Key Role – Financial Reviewer
Reviews the books and financial records of a PTA to determine their accuracy
Presents written reports on the financial reviews to the board and the association for adoption
Forwards copies of adopted financial reviews to council/district PTA as indicated in unit bylaws
Job Description (from Toolkit)
Chairs the Financial Review committee
Helpful Information
Sample Reports